Case Studies

Project Details – Ibese Cement Plant Project Launch
Client: Dangote Group
The Task:
The aim of the campaign was to establish the company as the de-facto leader in the cement market. With the launch of another cement plant, it subtly shows the financial depth of the group, and builds the awareness to Ibese Plant project in an exciting fresh light, while exposing the falsehood on the financial challenges of the Dangote Group.
The Approach:
A well-structured media/facility tour to the plant in Ogun State for key national media was organised. This was backed by a media briefing by Alhaji Aliko Dangote, President of the Group, addressing major issues of the Group, including expansion plans. The key messages at the briefing included; Group overview over the past years and growth pattern, more detailed overview of the Cement Division with targets and achievements, detailed overview of financing the cement division, loan and repayment. Key stakeholders like Bankers, national, state and local government, community leaders were invited.
The Result:
All media platforms featured the expansion programme of the cement division of the Group highlighting the African and Nigerian angle, with endorsements from financial/government institutions, hence strengthening the reputation of Dangote Cement with solid financial strength in the wake of the financial and banking crisis.

Project Details – New Logo Launch
Client: Dangote Group
The Task:
The Dangote Group, one of Africa’s top indigenous brands introduced a new logo.
The Logo was expected to add some spice to the brand and strengthen its market leadership position. Our role was to create awareness, show the brand as modern, reliable and a market leader.
The Approach:
We developed a strategic media plan for the logo launch to engage the client with various segments of the media.
The Result:
Awareness was created on the new brand image supporting all phases of the company’s evolution, which is currently acknowledged globally in major media channels.

Project Details – Positive Brand Projection in Receivership
Client: Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria – AMCON on behalf of (Arik Air) Strategic Communication Advisor for Appointment of Receiver Manager for Arik Air, Nigeria and West Africa’s leading commercial airline.
The Task:
Following the Receivership by Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON), the task was to project Arik Air in a better light and rebuild customer confidence, highlighting Arik Air as a vibrant, reliable, customer friendly and safe airline in Nigeria.
The Approach:
Arik Air being under Receivership needed customer confidence to get customers back to the airline. The approach was to raise awareness about the capability of the new team and the injection of funds by the government to meet critical working capital. These ensured regular flights and high on time departure rating.
Focus was to engage with critical stakeholders, particularly staff, change the narrative about the new travel experience and target all customers through various channels.
The Result:
We achieved stakeholder support and this has helped to raise the profile of Arik and enable the airline attain and maintain its previous position in the aviation industry. All channels of communication were explored and experts’ endorsements were received. Over the last four years, there has been consistent support for the airline and its management.

Project Details – Five Star Airline launch into Nigeria Market
Client: Qatar Airways
The Task:
Our task was to introduce the Qatar brand into the Nigerian travelling public to drive sales, increase awareness of the airline’s global destinations and products as part of its growth story by securing consistent and positive media reviews during the first year of the route’s operation. We were also tasked to create a positive vibe on the flight launch.
The inbound launch flight with the presence of Jay Jay Okocha, Nigeria’s most prolific footballer based in Qatar then, and the first to disembark from the aircraft, caused a massive uproar at the event and media interest.
The Approach:
Leveraging on our experience and industry contacts with British Airways we exploited the key market segments including the media and business community, to introduce the brand as the first 5 Star airline operating in Nigeria.
The Result:
The success of the brand won the hearts of many travelers and within 24 months the airline increased frequencies from thrice weekly to daily out of Lagos.

Project Details – Improve Brand Recognition
Client: FXTM
The Task:
Our task was to project and build the brand of FXTM as the leading and reliable online forex trading company in Nigeria, with advisory competence in currency markets and commodities. We were equally tasked to bring mass awareness of the brand and position it as the first option of choice for traders, and strengthen relationship with the media.
The Approach:
We developed a strategic communications plan for FXTM launch in the Nigerian market, targeting relevant stakeholders, through various channels.
The Result:
Client was relatively unknown when they came into this market, but through multiple strategic campaigns and stakeholder engagements, FXTM became the leading online Forex trading company in Nigeria.
FXTM comments are highly sought after by the media for major macro-economic topics spanning across Nigeria and the World e.g Inflation rates, GDP data release, OPEC and oil issues etc

Project Details – Online Engagement
Client: Federal Ministry of Finance
The Task:
Our task was to ensure proper and effective use of social media and other online platform to build community conversation and relationships with the public for the Minister and the Federal Ministry of Finance, and sway sentiments favour of the client.
The Approach:
While monitoring the social media, online comments, posts and discussion boards, we built responses and conversations to sway negative sentiments to the favour of the client.
The Result:
We achieved a positive online engagement with a strong human presence, which made the Minister/Ministry more approachable to the public thereby encouraging users to freely dialogue and share their views/opinion. Favourable sentiment of xx% was achieved over a period of xx months for client.

Project Details – Brand awareness
Client: Oracle Corporation
The Task:
Our task was to increase awareness of the brand in the Nigerian market, position client as a leading global leader in software/hardware and build relationship with key stakeholders.
The Approach:
We developed a strategic communications plan for Oracle in the Nigerian market to achieve desired results through various engagements with key stakeholders. This included media …, exhibitions, sponsorships and social interventions. This covered the public sector and major economic sectors of the country.
The Result:
Through multiple media engagements, we were able to enhance the brand image and strengthen Oracle’s relationship with the media.
We assisted client secure excellent CSR with a major educational establishment of Lagos state aimed at enhancing IT education.

Project Details – Strategic Communications & Engagement Support
Client: The Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council/Enabling Business Environment Secretariat (PEBEC/EBES)
The Task:
The aim was to support PEBEC/EBES to achieve its strategic communications and engagement framework. We were assigned to drive awareness, understanding, adoption, buy-in, contribution and support towards all PEBEC/EBES reform activities among identified stakeholders through the use of various media, identifying key stakeholders/target group and create a communications context for effective engagement and feedback.
The Approach:
We coordinated the key messages across stakeholder groups, engaging the media for all PEBEC/EBES activities such as forums, launch events, seminars, workshops, courtesy visits etc, equipping them with necessary facts, figures of the various reforms and the major impact on doing business. We arrange media exposure for the principals of PEBEC/EBES on broadcast, print and online media to highlight the activities and initiatives of the council.
We were equally tasked to engage analysts and economists to publish articles that capture the various ease of doing business reforms, conduct key media to research, write and publish articles in suitable newspapers, and other relevant online platforms, highlighting the various constraints to doing business in Nigeria and identifying the many reform agenda set up to remove these critical constraints.
The Result:
The primary focus to drive adequate publicity to PEBEC/EBES milestones and plans, as it relates to the various reforms in the past, new ones that have been implemented and its impact was achieved and the various bottlenecks to doing business in Nigeria were identified and the innumerable reform agenda of PEBEC to remove these bottlenecks were emphasized in the course of the campaign. All these were effectively disseminated in the media through events, workshops/seminars, courtesy visits, interviews, articles, photo splashes etc. The initiation and success of the campaign helped move Nigeria upward in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Index.